Viceland - Network Identity

Viceland is a multinational TV network geared towards millennial audiences. Their content focuses mainly on lifestyle, with unfiltered shows like Weediquette and F*ck, That’s Delicious. The network’s brand is known for being blunt, unadorned, and mostly, Helvetica Bold. Typography plays a large role in their brand identity and I wanted to highlight that in this piece by using kinetic typography to breakdown the network into its utmost fundamental sensibilities.

Social Deliverables

Along with the traditional broadcast format, I also created social mock-ups for Instagram. Enjoy.


Type Animation

Animating typography is one of my favorite things to do. Most times, I approach type animation with a very delicate, clean treatment. However for this piece, I wanted to experiment with the medium and push the boundaries. I played around with breaking the letter forms, influenced by David Carson’s experimental typography. When it came time to animate, I wanted to show a choppy motion, cutting back and forth between type resolves. I wanted the type to have variety in scale, to feel in your face at moments. These were the final type treatments.


Thanks for watching. Check out the process here!




Peaky Blinders